Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Let’s Go Shopping card ideas with Copper Clay colour combo

Les Shoppes Suite Let's Go Shopping Stampin Up card idea

Do you love to shop? You know, in actual bricks and mortar shops where you can browse and make impulse purchases? I don’t visit actual shops as much as I used to but I do love to visit book shops... and cake shops... so the Les Shoppes Suite from the new Stampin’ Up!® Annual Catalogue really spoke to me.
The whole Suite is gorgeous but so far I only have the Let’s Go Shopping bundle (I forgot to order Les Shoppes Designer Series Paper – doh!) so I’ve been having fun creating cards with that. 

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Countryside Inn Suite projects with Circle Sayings stamp set

Countryside Inn Suite Stampin Up

Stampin’ Up!’s Countryside Inn Suite is so beautiful – especially the Designer Series Paper with its shades of blue and delicate patterns. I couldn’t resist using it for the demonstrations at my catalogue launch event at the weekend. 

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Cheerful Daisies card idea with Rays of Light

Stampin' Up UK Cheerful Daisies

Today I want to share a Stampin’ Up!® project with you based on my May Moodboard.

Each month I share a mood board inspiration post with my team and customers, and finally I got round to using one to make a project for myself. 

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Faux Tile Technique with Cheerful Daisies stamp set


Stampin Up UK catalogue

Stampin’ Up’s new Annual Catalogue goes live to customers TODAY and you are in for a real treat!

Order your Stampin’ Up!® UK catalogue here

Fresh as a Daisy Cheerful Daisies Stampin Up UK

One of the stand-out suites in the catalogue is the Fresh As A Daisy Suite and I have a little hint of it here in today’s projects, which use the Cheerful Daisies stamp set. I made this for this week’s Crafty Friday online class; I don’t usually post projects ahead of classes but I'm sure the ladies won’t mind. 

The small print

This is my personal blog and my sole responsibility as an Independent Stampin' Up!® demonstrator. All images are © Stampin' Up!® All content including photographs, projects and text are © Helen Read, unless otherwise stated. Please feel free to copy my ideas for your personal use and inspiration - if you are a SU demonstrator you may use these ideas for your events but please give credit where it is due. Please do not use my ideas for monetary gain, competitions or publication. The images on this blog - including blog buttons - should not be copied and used elsewhere on the internet or on CDs.