It’s Caturday... and part 2 of my Convention report.
Today’s Caturday pin-up is poor cross-eyed Lucky. There is
another cat which apparently is a mirror-image of Lucky, called Charm, but I’m
not sure I believe this as I have never seen him. In fact, I think I’ve only
ever seen Lucky peeping out from behind the Wendy House but daughter spends
more time there than me so managed to capture him on camera when he ventured
into the living room. Yes, the shelter has a living room, with settees and a
Now onto Convention, part 2...
Award Night is always inspirational, as you get to see
demonstrators who have achieved amazing things. For instance, the top German
seller had made over 77,000€ in sales! Imagine typing all those order numbers
in to reach that height!
But the evening began with SU’s chief financial officer
Scott Nielsen and his wife dancing, Strictly-style on stage, which was a big
surprise and very entertaining.
Next year I and at least one of my team will be on that
stage, if only for reaching our five-year anniversary with SU! So why not sign
up and join us to watch us squirm!
There was a party atmosphere to the whole evening, as SU is
celebrating five years in Europe this month. Hard to believe I’ve been a
demonstrator for five years! What did I do with my time before SU?
So there was cake (although not big enough for all 850 of
us!) and party gifts of a gold and silver pen and a bouncy globe ball to
inspire us all to aim for the Grand Vacation in 2014, which will be a luxury
Following the ceremony, hands hurting from so much
applauding, there was an After Party, with a live band and a buffet. This was
described as finger food but actually it was much more than that. What was nice
about this event was that the venue made it possible to be all things to all
people. There was a small area for dancing in front of the band yet around the
corner there were tables and chairs for those who wanted to take it easier. And
of course, the display boards were still up so we could take even more photos
of the samples.
That's us! |
We did try to have our picture taken in our finery in front
of the special chalkboard-style display, but they are very dark. Another
tip for Convention: don’t take a brand new camera until you’ve worked out how
to use it!
There was also a photo booth for demonstrator use which was
a bit of a laugh. We ALL tried to cram in to get our picture taken but, sadly –
and somewhat inevitably – we ended up with one blank screen and one of the back
of my head! What we didn’t realise was that we were being filmed while we were
in there – luckily we didn’t end up on the Convention highlights video like
some folk did!
Convention slippers! |
Fancy shoes were causing our feet to hurt so we switched to our Convention slippers and headed
back to Alison R and Donna’s SUITE (did I mention they had a suite?) with our
bottles of wine (no alcohol is served at Convention) and started working our
way through all the nibbles we’d packed, so that we could make room in our
suitcases for all our Memento Mall goodies and free stamp sets!
Back to bed to attempt to get some sleep before the second
day of Convention. Ann set her alarm for 7am so we’d have time to get ready for
doors opening at 8.30am.
Only she hadn’t set it so our morning began with a knock at
the door (which I ignored because surely it couldn’t be our door, it was still
the middle of the night), followed by another knock at the door which caused a
panic scrambling for specs. Ann is deaf and had removed her hearing aid so was
still out for the count. Next thing I know there’s a man entering the room!
Eeek – another tip for Convention: put the bolt across your hotel door! I’m afraid I shouted at him when he
switched the “big light” on, partly because of the liberty, partly because I
was scantily clad and partly because Ann was still in bed. Anyway it was only
room service; our rooms hadn’t included breakfast but we found room service to
be excellent value, delivering far more than requested and keeping us going
throughout the day.
This is two Danish pastries at 2,70€ each, plus 2,50€ delivery! Picture posted for Angela T's benefits as I know she expects a food image on a Convention report! |
Day 2 featured more demonstrations and business talk – and,
of course, more prizes and giveaways. I forgot to mention the giveaways! We
were promised all-attendee giveaways if attendance reached certain targets...
which of course it did! So, in all, we were given THREE stamp sets on top of
one ones for the Make & Takes. We received Papaya Collage, Summer
Silhouettes and another one which I don’t think is released yet so I’d better
not mention it!
I have to mention the brave demonstrator presenters here.
There were three – one representing each country. Ooh, I wonder if that means
there will be five next year, when Austria and Holland join us?
The UK’s Becki Ritson showed us some fabulous tips for using
fabric – which were perfect for someone so useless with a needle as me. Cécile
Ortiz, from France, showed us stunning techniques with flower stamps, creating
dimension and depth. She doesn’t speak English; she a translator with her, but
Cécile’s facial expressions said
it all anyway and had us in stitches.
Representing Germany was Cynthia Jacoby-Deventer, who was
hilarious. She is an opera singer apparently and very at home on the stage, but
got a little flustered demonstrating and even resorted to flinging pieces of
cardstock around. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much at a demonstration.
Well, maybe at the last two Conventions!
At lunchtime we headed back to Memento Mall to discover that
we’d probably left it a little late. But I did stock up on a few gifts for the
people back home who help me in my SU business – and, lucky me, I managed to
get to Chris from Demo Support’s till again! (I know he stalks all our blogs so
I’d better be nice to him, LOL!)
Over lunch we managed to shift the last of the swaps.
Another Convention tip: Don’t make too many swaps, or you’ll never get rid of
them as other people will have run out.
Then it was a useful presentation on recruiting, which had
the effect of inspiring some of my reluctant recruiters to take action. I’m
looking forward to congratulating them on their promotions soon!
The final session saw more demonstrations and motivational speaking
and, most importantly of all, sneak peeks of new products and Sale-A-Bration
stamp sets! Whoohoo! It’s coming soon and you’re going to love it!
Patsy takes a break from falling over |
Then it was all over, so we collapsed on the sofas in the
hotel foyer before perking ourselves up with coffee and chocolate so that we
could head into town for one last look. Found a lovely chocolate shop and lots
of lovely Christmas decorations, grabbed a slice of pizza and returned to the
hotel to wait for our taxi back to Frankfurt airport.
Excitement levels were building again in the back of the
taxi – I’m sure this is why our driver, a pretty dour-looking chap, handed
round sweets to shut us up!
At the airport we went our separate ways to do any
last-minute shopping – there’s a fantastic little supermarket at Frankfurt
airport so I could stock up on chocolate for the kids. Well, for me really.
In the departure lounge we realised that, once again, the
plane would be filled with demonstrators. I somehow was seated away from the
rest of my team but found another friendly demo to chat to on the way home –
and we could see the Bonfire Night fireworks the window as we came into land at
Meanwhile, in the back of the plane, the rest of my team –
and several other demonstrators – were enjoying free Champagne. I don’t need to
spell out that this extra treat went to lucky Alison R and Donna... you know,
they of the SUITE, the PRIZES and now the FREE Champagne! Not bitter, promise.
Taxi driver Steve picked us up at the airport but the
adventures didn’t end there, as a lady stopped us to point out that Ann had her
husband’s suitcase, which was identical in all but contents. So it was back to
baggage collection for a quick swap!
And home we went, giggly and excitedly planning our trip to
Manchester next year!