Friday 24 April 2020

Cuppa & Card with Poppies Elements

Today was supposed to be my Cuppa & Card session but I’ve had to postpone as the kits were delayed in an over-stretched postal service! So if you’re booked to join me and don’t want spoilers, look away now!

We’ll be making these two projects via Zoom. All kits have been posted out and I've learned the hard way that all that die-cutting and embossing is too much work when you have to do it all by yourself!

We’re using the Poppies Elements, which I confess I had overlooked, but they are perfect for this situation. These elements are already coloured, but there are vellum and watercolour paper elements in the packs, too, and we’ll be using those at Crafty Friday in May.

Black and white makes a really striking colour combination when you add just a splash of colour. I love how the poppies really stand out here.

Today was supposed to be my Cuppa & Card session but I’ve had to postpone as the kits were delayed in an over-stretched postal service! So if you’re booked to join me and don’t want spoilers, look away now!

We’ll be making these two projects via Zoom. All kits have been posted out and I've learned the hard way that all that die-cutting and embossing is too much work when you have to do it all by yourself!

We’re using the Poppies Elements, which I confess I had overlooked, but they are perfect for this situation. These elements are already coloured, but there are vellum and watercolour paper elements in the packs, too, and we’ll be using those at Crafty Friday in May.

Black and white makes a really striking colour combination when you add just a splash of colour. I love how the poppies really stand out here.

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