Wednesday 26 April 2017

Window Box Thinlits - extra wide box with tutorial link

I promised you more projects using the Window Box Thinlits, so here’s another one. This was created by following a superb tutorial by the talented Kirsteen Gill, which you can find here. I have never been the type of person who can create “different” designs with our supplies, so am always very grateful when others find new ways to use our products, and this wider version of the Window Box is very clever indeed. Why not give it a try?

And in answer to your question – because I know you’re thinking it – no, the spotty belly band doesn’t cover a join... there is no join.

And in answer to your other question: why did I use peach when everyone knows I don’t like it? That’s because I tend to try new designs in my least favourite colours. Usually they go wrong but this one went right!

I promised you more projects using the Window Box Thinlits, so here’s another one. This was created by following a superb tutorial by the talented Kirsteen Gill, which you can find here. I have never been the type of person who can create “different” designs with our supplies, so am always very grateful when others find new ways to use our products, and this wider version of the Window Box is very clever indeed. Why not give it a try?

And in answer to your question – because I know you’re thinking it – no, the spotty belly band doesn’t cover a join... there is no join.

And in answer to your other question: why did I use peach when everyone knows I don’t like it? That’s because I tend to try new designs in my least favourite colours. Usually they go wrong but this one went right!

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