Saturday 29 April 2017

Caturday: Cobweb and Slinky... together

Now this NEVER happens, so I just had to grab a pic. Cobweb (front) and Slinky... the brother and sister who “couldn’t be separated because they love each other” (according to the Cats’ Protection lady in 2003) have not been this close to each other since early 2004, shortly after they joined our family and almost instantly shunned each other.

What’s changed? It’s the lure of new (to us) furniture and a new throw purchased protect it. There is also a new (to us) settee, and a matching throw to protect that, but they don’t face the French windows so don’t catch the sun.

And of course, this pastoral scene hides a bubbling resentment and mutterings of “my chair!”, “no, my chair!” ad infinitum.

Now this NEVER happens, so I just had to grab a pic. Cobweb (front) and Slinky... the brother and sister who “couldn’t be separated because they love each other” (according to the Cats’ Protection lady in 2003) have not been this close to each other since early 2004, shortly after they joined our family and almost instantly shunned each other.

What’s changed? It’s the lure of new (to us) furniture and a new throw purchased protect it. There is also a new (to us) settee, and a matching throw to protect that, but they don’t face the French windows so don’t catch the sun.

And of course, this pastoral scene hides a bubbling resentment and mutterings of “my chair!”, “no, my chair!” ad infinitum.


  1. I can identify. We had Millie and Ollie, both black ,also a ,"loving brother and sister" duo that had to stay together. Ummm they have now gone to pussycat heaven but loving well....but sorely missed.

    1. Aw, sometimes I think shelters will say anything to offload more of their 'stock', LOL. Sorry your cats have gone now, but happy you were able to give them a comfortable life

    2. By the way, love your colour combinations. I live in Malaysia so I have to mix and match a lot of my dsp & colours as I can't always get the new product.

    3. Thanks so much! I have some more ready to post on my blog soon, with our gorgeous new collection. Sorry you can't get product easily; I remember how frustrating that was before SU came to Europe.


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