Saturday 20 July 2013

Caturday: Lady

I'm back - it was lovely to see some of my regulars - and some new faces, too. Lots of craft supplies have been rehomed but there are still lots to go! Am exploring other avenues to get rid. Will keep you posted.

Let's not forget that it is Caturday. Received some very sad news last weekend about Max, who died on the road outside his house. His owners, neighbours and friends are understandably devastated. He was a gorgeous creature and at least he had the freedom to enjoy lots of catty adventures.

Meanwhile, here's a friendly face from the cat shelter. Her name is Lady and she shouts A LOT.

I'm back - it was lovely to see some of my regulars - and some new faces, too. Lots of craft supplies have been rehomed but there are still lots to go! Am exploring other avenues to get rid. Will keep you posted.

Let's not forget that it is Caturday. Received some very sad news last weekend about Max, who died on the road outside his house. His owners, neighbours and friends are understandably devastated. He was a gorgeous creature and at least he had the freedom to enjoy lots of catty adventures.

Meanwhile, here's a friendly face from the cat shelter. Her name is Lady and she shouts A LOT.


  1. Thanks for the tribute to neighbour and I had a communal cry on Friday afternoon and we nearly had to go into therapy. Who knew one grumpy cat could cause such a melt-down. Still can't believe he's gone looking at his picture on your web-site; I must agree, he enjoyed his fame and his admirers; something he wouldn't have experienced as a 'live-in-house' cat.

  2. Thought you would be at the stamping up convention x


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