Saturday 16 February 2013

Caturday - and last places on ribbon and paper share

Isn't it cute when you stroke a cat having a wash and it forgets to put its leg back down? Although, looking at the state of that paw, this cat should have continued with the wash. The good news is that this cat, along with her sister, are soon to be rehomed.

In stamping news, I have only a couple of places left on my ribbon and paper shares, so please get in touch ASAP if you're interested. Full details here!

Isn't it cute when you stroke a cat having a wash and it forgets to put its leg back down? Although, looking at the state of that paw, this cat should have continued with the wash. The good news is that this cat, along with her sister, are soon to be rehomed.

In stamping news, I have only a couple of places left on my ribbon and paper shares, so please get in touch ASAP if you're interested. Full details here!

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