Saturday, 31 March 2012

It's Caturday again!

Today is Caturday and our featured moggy is the one we call Hamish. That’s not his real name and he’s not ours, just a regular visitor who likes to lounge in our herbaceous border. Daughter is a bit of a cat fanatic (as you may have gathered) and she does tend to encourage visiting felines, despite the protestations of our own two.

Hamish is a lovely cat, although a little on the shy side. Unless hubby happens to be gardening – which is when Hamish decides to overcome his fears and rub round his ankles.

He and his brother have huge fights in our garden, leaving piles of ginger and white fluff everywhere. Last weekend they left enough to make a whole new cat, I’m sure!

Supplies: Cat (borrowed)

Today is Caturday and our featured moggy is the one we call Hamish. That’s not his real name and he’s not ours, just a regular visitor who likes to lounge in our herbaceous border. Daughter is a bit of a cat fanatic (as you may have gathered) and she does tend to encourage visiting felines, despite the protestations of our own two.

Hamish is a lovely cat, although a little on the shy side. Unless hubby happens to be gardening – which is when Hamish decides to overcome his fears and rub round his ankles.

He and his brother have huge fights in our garden, leaving piles of ginger and white fluff everywhere. Last weekend they left enough to make a whole new cat, I’m sure!

Supplies: Cat (borrowed)


  1. Put aside his fur flying escapades he is one cool cat - oh to be that chilled out! I am loving Caturday!

  2. He looks a bit like my ginger fat boy! That's my cat I'm referring to, not a person lol!

  3. He looks a bit like my ginger fat boy! That's my cat I'm referring to, not a person lol!

  4. Awww... He reminds me of the kitty we had when we first got married! So sweet! LOVE your supplies list!!!


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