Monday 15 December 2008

Clearly not a stamped project

I'm not in the habit of posting non-stamping related images but had to show you this.

I just plugged in the camera to upload the pix I took of today's projects and found poor Cobweb looking disgruntled in a Santa hat... in fact, 50-odd photos of Cobweb looking increasingly disgruntled in a Santa hat, in various states of blurriness.

That look in her eyes says "I'll get you for this later". I suspect revenge will be puddle-shaped and round the back of the Christmas tree. I'm not in the habit of posting non-stamping related images but had to show you this.

I just plugged in the camera to upload the pix I took of today's projects and found poor Cobweb looking disgruntled in a Santa hat... in fact, 50-odd photos of Cobweb looking increasingly disgruntled in a Santa hat, in various states of blurriness.

That look in her eyes says "I'll get you for this later". I suspect revenge will be puddle-shaped and round the back of the Christmas tree.


  1. My son had the exact same expression " I am not amused" hee hee. It's worth it though - Cobweb looks super cute.

  2. What a beautiful puss - love the name Cobweb and really enjoy your blog too.
    Jenny In Australia

  3. Yes, I can see just how annoyed he is. He is beautiful!

  4. 50 photos of Cobweb?! Who's had a go at your camera then? Still, Cobweb does look very cute. CC

  5. Ohhh poor kitty- but he looks so cute-It's worth getting him a little miffed to get a picture like that. You can make it up to him with a little cat nip,I am sure!

  6. Cute kitty and he looks adorable in the santa hat!!

  7. Too funny. And pretty darned cute. Wow 50 shots. That's a pretty patient kitty.

  8. If Cobweb is like my cat then he really likes the hat, but doesn't want you to know that.


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